October 30, 2010

Knitting from left to right

I use to be a continental knitter. I marveled in the fact that somehow learning continental was easier for me than english knitting. I happily knitted with the yarn in my left hand and knitted like the wind. After knitting super fast for a couple years I developed pain on my left index finger knuckle. I blame all the stitch tightening to avoid creating ladders between double pointed needles when knitting in the round. Damn You!!!! Now I am learning to knit like a noob all over again. English style knit stitch started out very akward. I still don't have good speed, which makes me very concerned about finishing projects in time for Christmas. I also still have not attempted the purl stitch. I keep telling myself that english style will grow on me. Here is to hope.


  1. I think you will find purl in English style to be easier than purl in Continental. I couldn't believe how awkward continetal purl felt when I tried it.

  2. I am happy to report that I have mastered the English style knit and purl stitch. It was indeed easier than continental purling. Thanks for the good thoughts, I know they helped.

  3. LOL aww poor you, i can't knit continental...get's my fingers in a pickle :/

  4. I'm the opposite. I never could conti knit. I've read many times that english style knitting is slower, but I seem to manage a pretty decent speed.
